Last minute: Live interpretation of the State of the Union speech

Hello all, this is just a quick post because are super busy working hard today to get ready a service for this evening’s State of the Union Address by President Obama.

The team here at Babelverse believe Barack Obama’s address this evening touches more than just folks from the United States. In response to this we wanted to provide a service to the planet, that is why we set up a page where anyone that doesn’t understand English can watch the speech in their native tongue and at the same time anyone out there that speaks English to any of the 6,975 languages of the globe can volunteer their time to translate for others around the world.

WE NEED YOU! So if you are an interpreter, or a multilingual speaker that wants to get involved in our project, please head over to, let us know by entering your email and make sure you return to the page at around 8:30pm EST time today (24th Jan) ready to interpret.


For the full press release:

  • Baragoud

    I wish I could hear the interpretation made by your volunteers and not only read the subtitles written ex-post, with nevertheless a number of spelling mistakes.

    • Josef Dunne

      Thank you for your comment, we have written a write up here it includes a video that shows the interpretation during the event. We did not record the interpreters on this occasion, but we were merely validating the use of Babelverse for live video streams. We have since left the page up with the subtitles which were not done by us, but by our friends over at Universal Subtiles, feel free to share you comment with them regarding the subtitles. Since Babelverse is purely and interpretation service.